Headshot of Admissions Student Ambassador, Justin

Meet Justin


Medical Biology, Pre-Med major; 健康, Medicine, and Society minor; Public 健康 minor ’23


Danvers, MA


  • Resident Advisor
  • Leader Scholar Intern
  • UNE EMS Responder/Officer
  • SASC Tutor
  • Ripich Commons Building Manager
  • Student Research Assistant in the Burkholder Lab
  • UNE Habitat for Humanity Club Member

Why UNE?

I love UNE's sense of community, hospitality, and the strong relationships students can build with each other as well as faculty.

Favorite class

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology with Dr. Grimm or Microbiology with Dr. Burkholder

Go-to local place to eat

Rover Bagel or Part and Parcel

Favorite spot on campus

The Ripich Commons